Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I did something meaningful today !

I didn't attend school today , because i went to help an old granny .
Woke up at 6 , earlier than i usually wake up for school . Meet up with friends , and headed over to someone house to take those cardboard that the old granny left it at his house . So after that start shifting the cardboard to the van and bring it to defu lane to sell those cardboard .
Is not easy to earn money you know ? With a huge stack of cardboard with a washing machine and air
cooler , only cost $42.40 ....
So after selling the cardboard , we went to look for the granny to pass her the money . When we pass her the money , she insisted to give us money to eat and still give us bread . So we just put the bread and money in her house , and run down the stairs . There something i couldn't even imagine , is that when we reach the ground floor , the granny is already looking for us at the ground floor ! hahs ... couldn't imagine she's much more faster than us ... At last we manage to get away from her .
If anyone of you see someone need help , just help out ... maybe you would think that your situation is already very worst , but there are really lots of people out there that really need help more than you .
The happiness after doing a good deed , is a hundred times more when you win lottery .
trust me ...

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