Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Finally we are out together again ;D

on our way to vivo and than to sentosa .
see we are so enthuse with what Brian is saying . Anyway , i had forget what he said ?
these are our opponent , look at their size ^ -.- . hahahaha ..
ofcos these are my team , cant you see our passion in volleyball ? hahs ..
opps .. forget to introduce you guys my new friend . He is ^ RAIN from SG !!! hahs ..

at least i have some memorable photo before i left ;D

Our group photo before with left vivo after our dinner , so sad cause Kenneth had to return to camp , so we got to leave early .
This outing was quite successful , but some irresponsible people just keep sleeping and forget about us waiting downstair for them -.-
hmmm ... Is time for me to think of the next outing ? Where should we go next huh ?

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