Thursday, August 20, 2009

i'm missing those time ...

Hellos peoples ;D
After so long , i than notice that i have not much time to be wasted . So i'm going to work real hard till my N level ! and ya , lots of my friends is really disappointed with their O level chinese result , but you guys have to stand up again , cause there are more upcoming exams . The only thing i could only say to you guys is to cheer up ;D
I might not be contacting you guys till my N level is over , but dun forget about me alright ! Anything still can call me ;D So takecares everyone ;D
Today have been thinking of lots of things , time really passes real fast . Just a blink of eyes , i'm 16 ..
though i regret that i did not enjoy during my secondary period , until i'm secondary 4 . Regret not having memorable times with my school mate . Regret not cherishing my friendship with Kee Loke , till we are now like strangers . Regret not studying at secondary 2 , in the end drop to NA , and many many more other regrets . But is already over , no point being regret . So from now onwards i'm not going to let myself regret anymore , i will cherish everything i have from now . So i hope everyone will cherish the time when they are growing , cause time past would not be rewind . Regret is too late than ...

after a few more months , i dunno when would i be able to see you again .
just hope time would past slowly ...

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